Campus Life

Hobby Clubs
There are 46 hobby clubs in this Faculty, which are separated into sports clubs and culture clubs.


Campus Festival
Campus Festival is one of the biggest events in this Faculty. We sell vegetables that we grow.


100-yen Shop
In this shop, all goods are sold for 100yen.
It is very popular as people can get the most daily necessities in addition to the low-price.

Selling the secondhand goods from previous students left at cheap prices.

Campus Life in Tsuruoka

Muhammad Taufiqurrohman (Indonesia)

Japan is a popular place for foreigner to visit. They develop advanced technology while at the same time still maintain their wonderful culture. But,not for me. I used to worry so much before my departure for Japan. It is about the language, I am afraid I will face so many difficulties since I cannot speak Japanese at all. Furthermore, I should deal with different weather, food, etc.

I come to Yamagata University as exchange student. During my live here, I study at Laboratory of Vegetable science and doing research about lettuce and tomato.

Once I arrived Japan, my professor told me that I will have a chuta (eng: tutor), a Japanese student who will help me. Hey, it’s really nice. First he helped me to register for stay-permit to the local government. He also helped me with my experiment.

“Hey, my apartment has no heater, it is very cold during night,” I grumbled to my chuta one day.”Okey then, let’s find some room heaters. I know the good one.” Literally, he helped me with almost everything. When I should attend a class that conducted in Japanese, he will be there to be my translator. During holidays, we went around the city, finding a good restaurant to have lunch, hiking the mountain, visiting indigenous place and so on.

Living abroad could be very tough. But, believe me, Japanese people are very helpful and full of kindness; your professor, your friends, the university officer, and of course, you will have chuta to help you.

Come and study in Japan! You will get more than that you’ve expected.

“Visiting Maruike the crystal clear lake during golden week holiday”

Only doing research, we also join a Japanese class held by Yamagata University